St. John's Leader in Hearing Care & Speech Therapy

Experience the Benefits of Improved Hearing

Hearing Tests | Hearing Aids | Speech Therapy | Tinnitus Management

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Newfoundland & Labrador's Leader in Hearing Care & Speech Therapy

Experience the Benefits of Improved Hearing

Hear More. Say More. Red Door

What to Expect

Our certified and registered clinicians conduct thorough, high quality hearing assessments and work with you to get the hearing improvements you deserve.

1 On 1 Meeting

Better hearing starts when you meet your  experienced clinician. Tell us about yourself, your current concerns and where you would like to see improvement.

Hearing Assessment

Your clinician will guide you through a complete set of tests to measure your hearing potential. It’s easy, painless and takes about 30 minutes.

Personalized Solutions

Based on your hearing test results we can recommend options, which may include what hearing aids will meet your needs. There’s a variety of pricing options: We always want what works best for you.

Follow Up

If you do decide to try hearing aids, you can do so at no charge for the first two weeks plus you have 90 days to return any purchase. You won’t get stuck and we’re here for you whenever you need a hand.

Speech Therapy

Our St. John's Speech Language Pathologists perform comprehensive communication assessments, and collaborate with you to help you achieve your communication goals.

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Our Services

Learn about what we can do for you and our 100% satisfaction standard of service. We go above and beyond to make sure you get the care and results you deserve.

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09 Dec, 2022
It’s understandable that anyone looking at possibly using hearing aids will have a lot of questions At Red Door Hearing, we are asked many questions about hearing aids, and so we are providing the following list as a rundown of the most sought-after answers. If you’re preparing for a hearing test, feel free to ask these same questions during your upcoming consultation. If you’re just looking for some quick information about hearing aids, then this list should certainly help you out. At Red Door Hearing, we are dedicated to helping you with your hearing health. We can explain hearing technology and help you make an informed decision about your hearing care to hear the world around you. Should I get hearing aids? This is certainly one of the most commonly asked questions we get. If you believe that you might have hearing loss or other hearing challenges, then it is likely that the idea of getting hearing aids has crossed your mind. Unfortunately, there is no simple “yes” or “no” answer to this question. Instead, it depends on many factors, including the type of hearing loss, degree of loss, and impacts of the hearing loss on your daily routines and habits. Hearing aids are often a solution for people with hearing challenges, but they are not always a solution for everyone. A hearing test is the fastest way to determine if you would benefit from hearing aids. We can determine how much you would benefit from wearing hearing aids by reviewing how well you can hear and comprehend speech. Since hearing aids are more suited to certain types or degrees of hearing loss, we need to complete a hearing test before providing a recommendation. At Red Door Hearing, we will only recommend hearing aids when the hearing test indicates you will benefit from wearing the devices. Do hearing aids work well? A common stereotype of hearing aids is that they’re clunky, prone to feedback and sound unnatural. In the past, older technology was prone to feedback and did not deliver the natural sound quality that modern hearing aids do, so the devices received more complaints than compliments. Thankfully, the technology behind hearing aids has advanced considerably since then. The latest innovations have focused on natural sounds and seamless experiences so wearers can get more benefits with less drawbacks or hassle with the devices. One of the best parts of our job is watching hearing aid technology evolve at an incredible pace. Every year, new features and technologies are released that improve the client’s experience. Hearing aids now provide a more natural sound that matches the environment you are in. Today’s hearing aids are nothing like the clunky contraptions of the past. And we expect the next generation of devices to be nothing short of incredible. What benefits do hearing aids offer? Being hesitant about getting new hearing aids is completely understandable. Many people question if hearing aids are worth it for them, and they ask us about what benefits the hearing aids will offer. We answer this question by explaining what you can expect through every stage of wearing your new hearing aids. Some aspects may take time to get used to: Getting used to the feel of the new hearing aids Starting a new habit of wearing the hearing aids all the time Adjusting to hearing a broader range of sounds Learning how to clean and maintain the devices We also explain the benefits of wearing hearing aids (besides the ability to hear better): Modern hearing aids provide a more natural sound quality and can seamlessly adjust to different situations or environments automatically Operating the devices is getting easier, as many hearing aids can wirelessly connect to your smartphone Managing hearing loss by using hearing aids has been shown to help keep your brain fit and reduce the risk of mental decline Will it take long to get used to my hearing aids? Your brain will need time to adjust to the new sounds you will be hearing. This adjustment period varies for everyone, so it’s always important to schedule follow-up appointments after fitting new devices to make sure the process is going well. The adjustment period is not always a seamless process for each client. During your first fitting, we will provide tips and suggestions to make this process easier so you can start enjoying the benefits your hearing aids can offer as soon as possible. If any discomfort persists or if you have any issues with the volume or quality of the sound, call us directly and we’ll be sure to help you out right away. What differences are there in hearing aids? There are various colours, styles and technology levels of hearing aids available. Your choice of style can depend on your preferences for fit and comfort, although some styles are more suited to certain degrees of hearing loss. We will review the results from your hearing test to help us select the technology level that fits both your hearing loss, your lifestyle and your budget. Modern hearing aids can come with a variety of helpful features like tinnitus support, wireless connectivity, remote controls, or compatibility with cell phones to boost call volumes. We will base our recommendations for the best hearing aid features on your lifestyle, work, and hobbies. What is the price of hearing aids? The price of hearing aids will depend on factors like the technology levels offered. Devices are available in a range of technology levels. The different technology levels will be explained to you, so that you can make an educated and informed decision. We carry hearing aids for every budget, and we’ll assist you in navigating any options for hearing aid funding to help offset the costs of new devices. Whatever hearing aid device you choose will be programmed and fitted by one of our hearing care professionals. A properly fitted and programmed hearing aid optimizes the performance and output of any device, ensuring you are getting the full value from your hearing aids. Will hearing aids be worthwhile for me? Even though this question is not often asked aloud, we understand that it is the core question that many people ask themselves when considering hearing aids. The best way to answer this question is to book a hearing test and consultation at Red Door Hearing. We strive to provide you with the information you need so you can evaluate your options and make a confident decision. We’ve seen how life-changing hearing aids can be when they are properly selected and fitted, and we understand the value in having all your questions answered about your hearing health and hearing aids. Using hearing aids requires a level of commitment to get the most benefit from the devices. Let the hearing care professionals at Red Door guide you through your hearing aid journey. Book a hearing test at Red Door Hearing. We can answer any other questions you may have, and our trained specialists will be able to help you put your hearing care first.
06 Dec, 2022
For a first-time user it can take anywhere from a few days to 6 months to fully adapt to your new hearing aids. This timeframe will differ from person to person, but it is completely normal for there to be an adaption period after you’re fit with a new set of hearing aids. There are no short-cuts when it comes to adjusting to your new hearing aids, however there are things you can do to help ease into this transition and make the process more seamless. Adapting to new hearing technology Hearing loss is often a gradual process, and the brain adapts to hearing at a lower level over time. Likewise, when you first receive your new hearing aids, your brain will need time to adapt to the new sounds it is perceiving. Because wearing a hearing aid is an instant change in sound levels, your brain is acutely aware of the difference and so it will take some time before it adapts, and for this new way of hearing to become your new normal. This adjustment period is also common when going from older hearing aid technology to newer technology. The amount of time needed to adjust varies from person to person and this process depends on the cause of your hearing loss and how well your brain adapts to change. Tips for adjusting to new hearing aids Have your hearing aids professionally fitted Hearing care professionals understand the process of adapting to hearing aids. They will ensure your new hearing aids are optimized according to your specific hearing needs and comfort level. When hearing aids are programmed using best practices, they will be tailored to your hearing needs and adjusted in real time, while you are wearing the hearing aids, using a test known as Real Ear Measurement (REM). This ensures the hearing aids are programmed appropriately for you individually. Without a professional hearing aid fitting, your hearing aids won’t match your hearing loss prescription and will tend to be more difficult to adapt to, less functional and can be uncomfortable to listen to. If you experience any issues, let your hearing professional know Most problems can be fixed, but we need to know about your issues to fix them. We recommend sharing your problems and concerns with your clinician sooner rather than later. While there is an adaption period your hearing aids should never cause you discomfort either from wearing them or the sound that you are hearing from them. If you experience this, it’s important you let your clinician know as soon as possible so they can work on a solution for you. Some sound quality issues will resolve themselves during your adaption period, such as your own voice sounding different that you are used to. However, if you notice persistent issues with the quality of the sound from your hearing aids it’s important to let your clinician know as they can often make changes to the settings to achieve a more natural sound quality for you. At Red Door Hearing, we are dedicated to supporting and guiding you through every step of the hearing care process. We want to hear about your challenges so we can fix any issues. That is why we include ongoing follow-up care with your purchase of new hearing aids at no additional cost. Make sure to wear your hearing aids as often as possible We recommend wearing your hearing aids all the time if possible. The more time you commit to wearing your hearing aids, the more time your brain gets to adapt to the new sounds it is receiving, and the faster the adaption process will run its course. If you are experiencing pain or extreme discomfort, you should stop wearing your hearing aids and contact us so we can help you determine the problem and help find a solution. Start a new hearing aid routine right away Getting into a routine with your new hearing aids will help integrate them into your life as they become a natural part of your day. Putting your hearing aids on first thing in the morning will be just as natural as waking up and putting on your glasses and taking them out right before bed will become apart of your nighttime routine just like turning off your lamp before sleep. New routines take time to create, but they will get you in the habit of using hearing aids as soon as possible. Remember: you’re retraining your brain to get used to receiving sounds it may not have been hearing for a long time. Once it becomes a routine, you often forget you are even wearing hearing aids in the first place. Try turning down the volume If your hearing aids are uncomfortable Ideally you should wear your hearing aids set at their prescriptive volume as much as possible. However, if you need to turn the volume down slightly while you get used to wearing the hearing aids this will still provide more benefit then not wearing the aids at all. Even with the volume turned down, wearing hearing aids gives your brain an opportunity to adjust to new sounds. Again, the longer you wear your hearing aids, the more time your brain has to adjust to them. It's all about finding a balance between comfort and training your brain. It’s not a bad idea to keep track of your progress. Take notes of the time, situations or environments where you find your hearing aids to be uncomfortable. This information can help us improve the settings and programming of your hearing aids. Keep an open mind with this new experience Getting hearing aids is often a brand-new experience and for many people it’s a big change that happens later-on in life. This can sometimes make it difficult to tolerate the adaption period, so it helps to be open to the experience and be willing to adjust as you go along in your hearing health journey. We recommend patience and a willingness to share your experiences. Be sure to keep your clinician informed of any updates or challenges and let your close family and friends know what you are going through. Most people will be understanding and accommodating when they know what you are working on, and a strong support system will help you be successful with your hearing aids in the long run. We’re here to help At Red Door Hearing, we offer ongoing services that continue well after you’ve initially received your new hearing aids from us. We aim to minimize any issues you might have and maximize your level of comfort and success. Take back control of your hearing health and get the most out of your life. Book an appointment with Red Door Hearing today.
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